834 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to present the steps taken and solutions implemented at the Cisco Networking Academy of the University of Bucharest in order to increase the process-management efficiency and the student satisfaction degree, mainly via the implementation of an own e-learning learning platform.The results are a significant improvement of work relationships, due to the fact that everyone's responsibilities are clearly defined together with the expectations for each employee. Furthermore, productivity tools enable us and our instructors to concentrate on increasing the quality of our students' learning experience in order to obtain even higher degrees of student satisfaction, retention, and promovability as a direct measure of teaching/learning success.Instructor Experience, User satisfaction, E-learning platform, Management Module, Student Assessment


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    Considering the evolution of life of the whole living, "crisis is a natural manifestation, a form of thesystemic wisdom homeostasis ". Interpreted in terms of Hawa-yen philosophy, life of the "whole living" whichincludes economic and social life as well, crisis stands for excesses and deficits beyond the homeostasis "criticalmass" that disturbs due to the dangers generated by the harmony of integrated integers .As it encompasses both threats and opportunities that encourage creative destruction, crisis heightensawareness of a behavioural change for the sake of a new harmony. The current global crisis, in accordance with theholistic vision, is a systemic crisis a cultural, moral, spiritual and intellectual one that affects negatively all segmentsof life, such the natural, the economic, the social and their interactions, too.As a science of man-made environmental health, ecolonomy interprets the global crisis construed as a deviation ofhuman behaviour and institutional development from the requirements expressed by the harmony of "integratedintegers", the nature of the tunes, coherence and resonance.Deficits of love, authentic knowledge, faith in certainty of hope, wisdom, of education on the meaning oflife and for life, compassion and selflessness, etc, as well as excesses of selfishness, greed, power, domination,poverty, ignorance, waste, freedom without responsibility, etc., engender through their actions human and socialbehaviours which threaten social life and cut through homeostasis.The transformation of the dangers into opportunities- the backward evolution, is a process of whichmetanoia is occurring inside human being where the paradigms find " a nice nest" due to which we come to know,understand, we relate and act

    Iodine mineral waters

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    Iodine mineral waters are found especially in sub-Carpathian region, also in regions with Salif deposits. Waters are currently used iodine in drinking cure for chaps and Basedow. Are also indicated in balneology. Iodine water containing at least 1 mg L, there is pure iodine is usually given the nature of other types of mineral waters further: sodium chlorinated water (Bazna (50-70 mg iodine / l), Baile Govora (50 - 70 mg / l), Bălţăteşti (4-5 mg / l), salted Monteoru (30 mg / l), mine) water mixed alkaline chlorination, sulphate, which are indicated for crenoterapie (hypo or isotonic to the bathrooms Olăneşti or Călimăneşti-Căciulata)

    Pancreatic Encephalopathy- A Rare Complication of Severe Acute Biliary Pancreatitis

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    Background. Pancreatic encephalopathy is a rare complication of severe acute pancreatitis, with high mortality, being difficult to diagnose and treat, thus requiring continuous research regarding its management. Materials and Methods. Of 20 patients diagnosed with severe acute pancreatitis on admission at Department of Emergency and Admission (DEA), from January 1st 2010 to March 31st 2014, 5 cases complicated by pancreatic encephalopathy were analyzed using a descriptive observational, retrospective, single-centre study. Results. The study shows different types of diagnostic algorithm and therapeutical approaches, in correlation with morbidity and mortality rates. Conclusions. Our study highlighted the fact that speed is critical, early management being the key to outcome

    Psychological Barriers in Long Term Non-Operative Treatment of Retroperitoneal Hematoma

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    The retroperitoneal hematoma can have, mainly, a traumatic etiology - blunt abdominal trauma (falls from height, road accidents, aggression of any kind, etc.), or open (incised wounds, puncture, penetration or gunshot wounds). Ruptured arterial aneurysms can cause hemorrhage in the retroperitoneal space. There is also spontaneous retroperitoneal trauma in patients with chronic treatment with anticoagulant or antiaggregant drugs (1). Hemorrhage in the retroperitoneal space can be iatrogenic, after surgical, open or laparoscopic, interventions (2, 3). A particular type of retroperitoneal hematoma is the psoas muscle hematoma in patients with chronic oral anticoagulant treatment (Acenocumarol, Warfarin)

    Regarding "Tragic Economic Optimum" From Holistic Perspective

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    Communication aims to discuss the new scientific vision of "the entire integrated" as it follows the recent achievements of quantum physics, psychology and biology. From this perspective, economy is seen as a living organism, part of the social organism and together with de bright ecology. The optimum of the economy as a living organism is based on dynamic compatibilities with all common living requirements. The evolution of economic life is organically linked to the unavoidable circumstances contained in the form of V. Frankl ‘s tragic triad consisting of: pain, guilt and death. In interaction with the holistic triad circumscribed by limitations, uncertainties and open interdependencies, the tragic economic optimum (TEO) is formed. It can be understood as that state of economic life in which freedom of choice of scarce resources under uncertainty has in the compatibility of rationality and hope the development criteria of MEANING. TEO means to say YES to economic life even in conditions of resource limitations, bankruptcies and unemployment, negative externalities, stress, etc. By respiritualization of responsibility using scientific knowledge. TEO - involves multicriteria modeling of economic life by integrating human demands, community, environmental, spiritual and business development in the assessment predicting human GDP as a variable wave aggregate.tragic triad, holistic triad, integrated whole, whole living health, holistic multicriteriality


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    This paper is studying the impact of taxes and social contributions on the economic growth. We have development a model of economic growth under the incidence of tax revenues, using econometrical analysis (the Pool Data Model). With this mathematical relation we have quantified the connections intensity between taxes and economic growth in the case of European Union 25.Tax, Impact, Economic Growth, Econometrical Model


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    The authors consider that the current global crisis has an ecolonomic character in the sensethat it negatively affects all parties from all common living beginnig with the people and their families,communities and business organizations, state institutions and continuing with ecology of the living world.Such a disorder of “comeostasis”at the level of the “whole common living”is the result of excesses anddeficits of human and institutional behavior which, proplonged in time, beyond the “critical mass, aredangerous for the “health of whole common living”.The holistic researches highlight that the current ecolonomic crisis is the result of the “fall of man”,mainly caused by the excesses of freedom and deficits of responsability. These cause a pathological work, notalways a vocation type, a disproportionate evolution of society, knowledge “of up”and the morality of its use “indow”, a promotion of science beyond humanism, an increase of markets without morality, an overconsumption“uncontrolled by biology and moral” for several million of people, at the same time with a subconsumption thatjeopardize the survival for few billion of people.These opposites of our evolution did not fall from heaven, they are not “gifts from God”, of unfavorablenature. They are the result of some human and institutional behaviors that are based on the opposite education.Therefore, we need to re-spiritualize education based on the principle of harmony, to re-integrate inthis invention of human society love, true knowledge and faith in the certainty of hope.Education, in terms of harmony, will integrate all the values of meaning, such as “maturing freedom inresponsability, humanity, solidarity and social communion”, is vital for teaching people to live their own life inTruth, Goodness and Beauty.A new education means, at universal scale, the transition to the ecolonomic society in which the winwinpeinciple becomes the golden rule of life, in the unavoidable circumstances posed by our choices.Therefore, education on the meaning of life and for life has to be an education in love, to be able toharmonize with ourselves, with others and with the environment. Such an eduction will focus on the professionalman, the economist, the engineer, the doctor, the carpenter, the electircian etc, who loves what he does and hedoes what he loves, becoming himself the change in better that he wants to see in his outside world.Please allow us to worship in the spirit of this vision the Anthem of Harmony as a substance oftransformation of meaning that are included in realizing an ecolonomic society, based on a healthy educatio

    Conductive Polymer-Based Membranes

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    This review focuses on an important theme of conductive polymer domain: preparation and applications of advanced materials with permselective properties, such as conductive polymer-based membranes. The most common groups of conductive polymers, their particularities, their use in membranes preparation together with main specific obtaining methods/techniques and conductive polymer-based membrane applications are presented based on a comprehensive documentary study